Life teaches us that we are not built to last Life comes and leaves us with story trails He will be here soon, we chant And again we will listen to the child's laugh He will come and stand with our fellows And listen to our sombre tales He will cause the rain to pour and wash away our sorrows
He raised our arms and linked them One by one To the next To another Plant the seeds of love he sang Watch them as it rains all day
He sang He sang each and every word
‘You will open your eyes with the clouds Waters will weep upon your cheeks As the story trails pour down the rivers’
He stood as a fellow He gave all his love He braved our sorrows Listen to yourselves he sang You are filled with so much love
He came our way And took the sorrows He sat with wives Listened to their troubles Took their woeful thoughts He sat with men Listened to their fears Took their fighting arrows
He waved his arms And called to his side All of our dark shadows He danced with them Sang to the arrows They took to the skies He waved his arms And called them back Down into the shadows They span together He lured them in Took them away along the broken path Into the hills beyond the distant meadows Leaving not even a silhouette of our sorrowful past
He came, he danced He sang with us He left He left us with our freedom