I sit and watch The sands, the grasses, the birds, man Sometimes I disappear into the lightest creatures breeze The salts of the seas Pull myself back, needing to breathe Then that though peaks through The one loitering at the back of my mind in quandary Probably yours too How did this all happen? Out pours the list of ideas, beliefs and thoughts From three trillion, to seven thousand, to naught I have to stop before I lose myself Today I stopped here... Broken In a milky way of a galaxy of the universe we are in Planet earth Mankind Is a gallstone
Yugen - a word I recently discovered, originating in Japanese and Chinese is beautiful in itself and describes what often goes on in many minds. An awareness of the universe that triggers emotional responses that are too mysterious and deep for words and a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe…and the sad beauty of human suffering.