How do I? To the shelf, you know where to look. How do I? To the shelf, you know which book. How do I? To the shelf, you know which row. How do I? To the shelf, it's the only way to grow. How do I? To the shelf, it's where the seeds are sown.
How do without it now?
From stools, chairs and clambers Tip toes and stretches Two hands and meanders To the middle shelf, the red cover Dog ear after dog ear, folds and creases Fades, stains and sun bleaches
A, B, C, page after page Onto L, M, N, O, P Thank you dad It's now my diary Reminder, memory For the hard to recall Hard to decipher Understand or spell For the mind of the girl who never wants to stop learning Who wants to know why; and how
To the shelf every day To the place that carries the answers For the mind of the teenager still eager to grow To the shelf every day The shelf that holds the reasoning For the mind of the woman sat here now
To the shelf every day To the pages stacked with lines of resolve Thank you dad For my diary For my A, B, C My L, M, N, O, P My T, U, V Thank you dad Secure in the pages of my dictionary