Travelled the world in 80 days Landed in every place And did not even seek eyes or record a face
Have you actually been there? Really, truly been aware Taken a breath of chilled air Felt the warmth of the southern sun Realised you were amongst old and young
You’ve been to each and every continent You can chant times and dates Repeat arrivals and departures As you know all about the pace The pace at which you travelled Yet didn’t capture eyes or reflect a face
You’ve filled every minute, every hour With every country and their borderlines Marked a map and ticked a box It is where you have kept your travels in check
Did you study eyes or mirror a face? Can you recall the fragrance of spices, cities, homes and plants? The colour of local hills, skin and skies Their texture, their movement, their streets Can you chant and repeat the sound of native birds, motor, land and town beats
‘No’ you say ‘Although I did travel the world in 80 days’
Stop, stop, stop, I declare, in absolute despair Stand still for a moment Look…here is your hand Open it to the life lines held You stand here in 80 worlds of creature and man Yield and succumb to them, become the land Travel, travel with your eyes In 80 ways ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There are times I sit and watch the world go by. Times I see travellers with backpacks strapped on, sticks and maps in hands and heads down. They captivate me. They inspired me.